Jump Health First in to January! Easy New Habits #1

Easy New Habits # 1

Cat Stretches!

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I would like to introduce you to my five year old furry grand daughter, Daisy.

She is a stretching expert and finds it quite silly that we need prompting on the matter.

In any case, my first, new, easy habit is gentle cat stretching first thing in the morning.


While still in bed, slowly start to move and stretch your fingers and toes, hands and feet.
Hug your legs into your chest, and do the same with your arms.

Continue as you sit on the edge of your bed and stretch a little more.
Gently tilt your neck side to side, and then lift up your shoulders.

Now stand up. Stretch your arms up towards the sky, then slowly bend over reaching
for your ankles or toes. Stand upright again and gently twist your torso side to side.

Take deep breaths as you stretch and remember the operative word is “gentle”.
Add any other stretches that your body cries out for.


This easy habit only takes a few minutes and can really start your day off on the right foot (!).

Stretching in the morning increases your blood circulation, flexibility, and in turn increases energy levels. Building this new habit of stretching out your stiff muscles can help prevent uncomfortable aches and pains.

Have you ever seen a cat wake from a nap and immediately run around the house?
Absolutely not! We should follow their example.

Here is a little help from Daisy, in case you are unsure of your stretching poses.
We have a lot to learn from our feline friends. They are masters of stretching and relaxation!

Before you leap out of bed and start rushing about, take a deep breath and stretch, cat like!
Finish with a self hug, and have a very fulfilling day!



Jump Health First in to January! Easy New Habits #1 — 15 Comments

  1. Thanks, Judy and Daisy. Our canine friends can be good examples, too. Baxter always starts his day with a few Downward Facing Dog yoga poses!

  2. I bet you are! We spent Xmas week with Amy’s 6 month old mischievious Binx, who I doubt will grow properly into his formal Tuxedo appearance. She takes him everywhere so he is the crowning, spoiled prince of every party and her child. If I could find a kitten like him, I’d jump at replacing (well, that’s not possible), but getting another.

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