My Story

Judy Brown

Judy Brown

I have always been passionate about health and wellness.  My children affectionately call me an “herb nerd”. They grew up reluctantly eating garlic when their sniffles went on for too long.

My childhood was spent in the USA and in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Little did I know the impact that living overseas would have on my view of health and wellness, amongst the other amazing influences it had on my life.  Rice and beans, fresh greens, a rainbow of fruits, cloves of garlic, local meat, few processed foods, and home cooked goodness were my staples.

Perhaps because of our overseas upbringing, my family suffers from a life long, no cure found, travel bug! I have been fortunate to travel to many countries and my list never gets shorter. The exposure to other cultures allowed me the opportunity to observe different ways of achieving a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. I enjoy experimenting with the world’s colorful palate of food choices.

Raising my children in the conventional healthcare system opened my eyes to the confusing and complex myriad of medical opinions and options. I began to question the advice I received when our pediatrician suggested I wean my daughter cold turkey. The health rebel was ignited in me.

My preferred choice of reading material became all topics related to nutrition, natural remedies, and wholesome living. Herbal medicine, homeopathy, and other mind body modalities went hand in hand with regular doctor visits. I began to embrace informed personal health care.

“Judy (on the right) as a young girl already showing an interest in healthy foods and cooking!”

“Judy (on the right) as a young girl already showing an interest in healthy foods and cooking!”

The children left the nest and mid life knocked at the back door. As life dictates we can only ignore the knocks for so long. My emotional and physical health were in deep need of examination. In retrospect, this difficult path lead me to a more peaceful spot in my universe.

I wanted to improve my well being and in so doing find deeper meaning and happiness in my current life. This meant weight loss, addressing adrenal fatigue and digestion issues, new exercise choices, the alcoholism in my birth family, my highly sensitive nature, relationship renewal, my new career, and spiritual nurturing. A brave endeavor! It was a time of self exploration and deep digging.

I began to re-invent myself after exploring my diverse but ignored passions. My undergraduate degree in Biology got dusted off and The Institute for Integrative Nutrition appeared in my inbox. My life long focus on healthy living could now be legitimized.

Now, I share this passion with others and provide support and coaching to those who seek balance and wellness in all areas of their lives.

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