

My children inspire me. Recently, my daughter shared an inspiring story on…. inspiration.

Jamie was tasked at work with answering the seemingly simple question: What inspires you?

She admits to being taken aback and uncertain of her answer. She was allowed many days to ponder, and that she did.

While, as her mother, I could name many things I felt inspired her because of the person she has become, looking at yourself in this light is more challenging.

Interestingly, this prompt stuck with me for days.

Who inspires me? What inspires me? And why does it matter?

Inspiration propels us. It shines a new light on anything that troubles us.

It brightens our thoughts and days. It motivates.

In the face of sorrow or fear or frustration, it gives hope. It soothes.

Is it any coincidence that the word inspiration also means the drawing of air in to the lungs?

My writing often comes to me as I walk in the woods.


Kind words create a ripple……

The world of art in all shapes and sizes nourishes my mind.

People that speak up despite rebuttal spur me on.

Flowers and hummingbirds and butterflies inspire simplicity.


Fresh and colorful vegetables inspire me to cook.

Innovative ideas from ketchup made with beets – to recycled plastic for park benches – to cars driven without humans, all ignite my contemplative mind.

Are we open to new ideas and fresh perspectives or do we get set in our ways and block inspiring potential?

That which inspires me might be different for you.

What does inspire you?

I hope summertime provides some moments of inspiration. Reflect on all that surrounds you with fresh eyes and an open mind.

Summer colors and smells and sounds paint mosaics that can inspire…. if we look.

If you feel gloomy or stuck, ponder all that inspires you. Take a deep breath and let the inspiration clear your gloom.

Inspiration feels good. It is a life force.

Your smile can inspire another. Your kind words can do the same. That could be a contagious we all want!

My daughter’s company, Bumble and Bumble, has the motto – Be who you are, however you are, whatever that looks like.

Now that inspires!


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Inspiration — 8 Comments

  1. As you know, I have known many, many inspirational people in my life who surmounted so many difficulties yet rose above them to achieve wonderful things. And also then there is
    my daughter Judy, who is an inspiration to me!!

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