Napkin Notes…

You have an hour to de-stress so you head to the local coffee shop (Cup-A-Joe in Hillsborough!)……

Jot it down on a napkin, wherever you are. Save it and revisit it.

Let it uplift and inspire. Let it calm anxiety and give perspective.

Angry or frustrated? Get it out on a napkin.

Let it reframe negativity and worry. Let it provide focus.

Continuing on my jolly and happy theme….

What are your dreams? What do you daydream about everyday?

Jot them down on a napkin, in a journal, on a chalkboard….

Jot them down at the coffee shop, in the car, on the train, at a party, at home, at work, waiting for someone……

I dream of adventure. I dream of traveling to distant corners and learning new ways. I dream of dancing unabashedly. I dream of sailing in blue waters. I dream of my children with smiles, always. I dream of being a helpful friend. I dream of honesty and fairness and authenticity. I dream about new flower beds in our garden. I dream about cleaning out my kitchen cabinets.

And I often dream about a good piece of chocolate.

I recently found a short poem I wrote on a blue napkin in high school. It was tucked in an old wallet with old photos. It sure gave me a glimpse of where my mind was back then!

It is a brand new, squeaky clean, new year.

I started. Now it’s your turn.

Write it, doodle it, draw it.

Afterall, just shifting to happy dream-like thoughts can start us in that direction.

Mood improvement, inspiration, new attitude, day after day, life changing.

Novels, new discoveries, words of passion, clues to mysteries, have all been scribbled on napkins.

**My daughter dreams about saving the horses. Here is her napkin note.**

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