Pleasing our Foremothers this Spring!


In so many ways, I really do understand the concept of spring cleaning (yes, I am trying to convince myself….and charm my foremothers!).

When asked at a recent Norwex party what my least favorite household chore was, I had the word out of my mouth before she finished the question.


I am unpologetic about my distaste for those tiny specs that fly in the air and then make you chase them. When you capture the little beasts they reappear on another surface. I swear they have little faces with devilish smiles.

Humor aside, the sort of dusting I would like to address today is of a different sort. And perhaps more challenging.

Your dusty thoughts and persistent worries. The misty clutter in your mind.

This project could be a lofty undertaking. So, just start slowly and see where the particles fly.

What negative or unaffirming messages do you feed your mind that just need a good wipe down? What old thought patterns keep you stuck and need a thorough scrubbing?

I don’t have enough…..

I am not good at….

I wish I had more…….

What will I do if….

How will I ever…..

Oh no, not another bad day…..

Just take one. Turn it around. Give it a new coat of paint.

I wish I had more……But I am so grateful for what I do have. If I am not grateful for what I already have, how could I want more. I will re-evaluate what plenty is. I will express gratitude right now.

Today is already starting off on the wrong foot. I am going to dust that thought away. Because your day and my day is filled with 24 hours and tons of minutes. The potential for goodness is enormous. Maybe I need to take a deep breath. I am going to smile in the mirror.image

Spring cleaning gives freshness to house and home and thoughts and heart.

This season, de-clutter your mind and allow fresh new ideas to seep in. Let go of those nagging worries that are out of your control. Make this exercise a part of your spring cleaning.

I challenge you to let springtime inspire….even your dusting. Our foremothers would be delighted!


*If you would like to acquaint yourself with some new and amazing products, that are so hi tech they take the yuck out of cleaning, then meet Laura and check out Norwex. I am still trying many of the products. I love the dryer balls. The cleaning cloths literally chase those little beasts away for good because of their brilliant technology. Spring cleaning could be fun?

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Pleasing our Foremothers this Spring! — 4 Comments

  1. I remember my mom making me dust when I was little and it made no sense to me. I never saw any dust. Here I wait until there’s a nice layer.

    Mind dusting is tricky. That’s for sure! Working on it.

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