Behold Good Garlic Breath!


This is friendly reminder to……EAT LOTS OF GARLIC!

Don’t worry about garlic breath. Chew on a piece of parsley or mint.

Because the truth is, garlic is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. For thousands of years garlic has been used for medicinal purposes. We now have the science to back this claim.image

  • Garlic contains manganese, vitamin B1 and B6, vitamin C, selenium, fiber, calcium, copper, potassium, phosphorous, iron, and many other micro nutrients.
  • It stimulates and boosts your immune system. A perfect winter wellness remedy.
  • As an antimicrobial it acts on viruses, bacteria, and other fungi.
  • It supports healthy intestinal flora and overall digestive health.
  • It reduces blood pressure and improves cholesterol levels.
  • It contains antioxidants that protect against cell damage and aging, further reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
  • The sulfur compounds have been shown to protect against organ damage from heavy metal toxicity.
  • Garlic and onions show benefits for osteoarthritis and bone health.


My childhood was spent in a garlic happy country, Brasil. Garlic was a staple in my diet. Whether it was in my rice, beans, meats, or vegetables, it flowed through my blood daily.

I don’t remember getting sick very much. Only the very occasional head cold. I never took antibiotics.

The scent of sizzling garlic wafting through the city streets is a fond memory.

It is no wonder that my children also grew up with garlic as an ingredient in their everyday meals. Believe it or not, they often chewed it raw when colds, coughs, or infections took hold.

*If you grate a bit of the garlic clove and mix it with honey, it goes down easy!

My daughter affectionately claims it wards of witches and non witches!

I challenge you routinely incorporate garlic in your diet.

I suggest peeling cloves on a daily basis and grating them in to your stir fries, rice, beans, meat dishes, salad dressings, vegetable casseroles, pasta sauces, roasted potatoes, or you name it.

Let it flow through your veins, nourishing you with all of its healthy benefits.


Stay tuned…next week I will share my recipe for a wellness tea using garlic. It is my go to cold remedy.

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Behold Good Garlic Breath! — 8 Comments

  1. Thanks for the shout out! It may have warded off a few boyfriends too 🙂

    Can you share the recipe for the brussel sprouts you featured in this post?! The look delicious! xo

    • You make me smile! Recipe is easy…..
      Toss brussell sprouts and cut up onion, several cloves of garlic grated or sliced, with olive oil.
      Sprinkle S and P (turmeric if desired because it is good for you!) and roast at 375 for 20 minutes or so.
      Happy cooking!xoxo

  2. Yes, our food in Brasil as you were growing up where Garlic was used everyday, where there
    was no canned or frozen food was one of the most long lasting benefits of life, even for
    my long living dogs, 19 and 16 brought up on garlic, rice and carrots with a little chicken thrown.

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